Media art, photography, sound art – but above all the question of the human being’s ability to sense has characterized Heike Kaltenbrunners work for many years. Parallel to her artistic work, „being there“ and caring for her children, she works as a craniosacral therapist.
The connecting element of all her work(s), both in the artistic and therapeutic fields, is the sensual experience.
In concrete terms, her exploration of these supposed border areas and the finding of intersections usually consists of object-like space/sound installations that are fed by a fascination for the small and large phenomena of the cosmos. The sound installations ‚On the life and death of neutron stars and TV sets‘, ‚looks like music‘ and ‚close| distant‘ are paradigmatic of this. Exhibitions have so far taken place in Belfast, Dresden, Vienna and Berlin, in addition to performances with the ELAK noise orchestra and participation in projects such as Audiomobile, Raptor Reloaded, ‚Dinge die Klänge machen‘ and the HUB – an attempt to create a time object.
Among others she collaborated with: Susanna Gartmayr, Thomas Grill, Agnes Hvizdalek, Franz Xaver, Arnold Noid Haberl, Stefan Fraunberger, Christopher Chukwudi Chime, Benjamin Omerzell, Christian Rainer, Esther Pils, Margarethe Neundlinger, Andrea Sodomka and Martin Eberle.
More to come …
Study |
Digital art, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Sound art and sound research, UNI-K Studio UDK Berlin