exhibition of ‚close| distant‘ at Sound Scene Fest at Smithonian Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC
Residency at the Tangible Music Lab, Art University, Linz, Feb – May 2024
guest lecture at the Tangible Music Lab, Linz
In this guest lecture iwill give you an insight into the planning and development process of the ‘proximity organ’ (Näherungsorgel), from the initial idea to the concept, development and presentation.
Join us at the Tobacco Factory or Online via: https://tamlab.kunstuni-linz.at/live/
‚close| distant‘ at sound art gallery Errant Sound, Berlin
‚close| distant‘ Pre-presentation, Westbahnstudios, Wien
‚they sound‘ at unlimited festival, Wels, Austria
‚they sound‘ at Kunst in der Natur, Gars am Kamp, Austria